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How to install libav manually for Video Download Helper on Windows 7? I'm not willing to do that for various reasons. Any ideas are much appreciated. Piwi 1 1 5. I've been warned about downloadhelper converter registration code free packages and have had nothing but bad experiences with them. I don't like the fact that this does so much more than I want it to. Do you know if there's a way to do a clean uninstall just in case?
Use a build from libav. Then it looks at this folder the default would be C: If it is, the converter works. I downloaded the newest release Can be found here:. I tried the same and discovered two problems with that: First, at least my version 5. Second, the watermarking is not in the downloaded codec, but a native feature of libav used by VDH to mark the result. So even if one downloadhelper converter registration code free the libav library, VDH still uses it to place the watermark. To solve this issue you would need to recompile avconv with leaving out the watermark feature best ignore it at command line or put a filter program named avconv.
I found deturl in this page: Solution Use a build from libav. VDH looks at the registry for this key: March installs avconv Can be found here: I can confirm this works and avoids the fishy downloadhelper converter registration code free. This answers the question.
Unfortunately, both solutions are quite a bit of work. This reply might be a little "tongue in cheek" but I just kicked myself a little for searching this topic in the first place I've tried VMs and used both OS as hosts, dual boot etc Some stuff has to run on Windows and Linux has better tools.
I'm trying to get the Firefox Extension "Video Download Helper" VDH to convert and record videos. The suggested way of doing this is to install a precompiled version of libav called "Convert Helper" from the VDH Homepage. So I want to install libav on my Windows 7 x64 system and point the addon to the right. There is an option to enter a "converter path" manually in the settings, although it does not work for me - probably because I'm not entering the correct path.
While I do have a notebook running Linux, it's quite tedious to fire it up every time I want to use the feature, somehow get the link to the notebook, convert it over there and move the file back to the Windows machine.
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Sadly, downloadhelper converter registration code free are still restrictions the watermark already mentioned in another answer remains and the instant audio-only conversion fails - doing it locally works, though.
The entered path just disappears after I click on the "Recheck converter" button. I'm not really sure if the corresponding field is even made for input. You can see a picture of the settings page here in the "Using conversion rules" section. How do I install libav correctly? Do I just throw the. Is there any other way? On Linux there's no problem whatsoever see installation instructions for Linux.
I would only want to use a codec package as a last resort But thanks for the suggestion! And thanks for the edit! I have used klite and shark without issue, biggest mistake people make is to install more than one codec package, you should always uninstall your codec package before installing a different brand. Never had issues uninstalling either. I tried that too but failed. Then I checked for alternatives and I found a very good one - deturl. I hope this helps.
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Sooo the video that didn't want to convert on Windows Hit the scroll lock and load the same url on Linux, problem solved: By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Sign up or log in to customize your list. Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges.
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Another reason is the fact that I want to have some level of control about what's installed on my system and that "ConverterHelper.
As a temporary solution I use Offliberty which is basically the same as deturl. The downvote isn't mine, but 1 this doesn't really answer the question "How to [ And 2 setting up completely different hard- and software seems like a huge overkill.
The watermark is still there. Are you sure about the "Second, [ How do you know? But thank you for the overview, the latter of your ideas for a solution seems to be a viable path to look into. In the meantime, I uninstalled VDH completely as I absolutely do not downloadhelper converter registration code free to support someone violating very user-friendly licenses in such a parasitic, proft-reaping and alternative-free way.
But I see how outsourcing the problem could help something like a NAS might downloadhelper converter registration code free in handy Sign up or log in StackExchange. Sign up using Facebook. Sign downloadhelper converter registration code free using Email and Password.
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