Download youtube videos to mp4

There's also an extension for Opera.

MP4 p x - HD format, available for an increasing number of videos. Use this format if you want to play videos on a tablet iPad, Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy Tab download youtube videos to mp4 a laptop.

Greasy Fork is available in English. Greasy Fork Shined up real nice. FLV downloads are no longer available. YouTube no longer includes those download URLs in the source code, so the script can't find them.

If you find compatibility issues, check the bug reporting page. More in the changelog. The script works in: Firefox install Greasemonkey or Scriptish first. Alternatively, you can install an extension that uses this script Chrome install the Tampermonkey extension first Opera install Violent Monkey or Tampermonkey first.

Alternatively, you can install an download youtube videos to mp4 which uses the script Safari install Tampermonkey or NinjaKit first. Here are the formats you can download using this script Wikipedia has the full list: MP4 p x, x, x - all videos are available in this format. Use it if you want to play videos on a mobile phone iPhone, Android or to save space.

YouTube switched to adaptive streams and uses separate files for video and audio, which need to be merged to get a video file. This is more complicated and requires download youtube videos to mp4 advanced tools ffmpegso I haven't added them yet. After downloading videos, you can play them using free applications like: Scriptish and Greasemonkey for Firefox and Tampermonkey for Chrome support automatic updating. If you use Firefox, you can also install an extension based on this script.

Responses on “Download youtube videos to mp4”

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