Flash player lkz opera

While it worked as far as flash player lkz opera flash goes, it prevented the videos from autoplay. Having been "told" that a flash enabler extension does not cause problems, I installed this, and since then everything is fine videos autoplay, and hence, my setting in opera's flags page is respected.

I've ported your extension on Maxthon Browser. And I already sent mxaddon on your support email. Now we have to talk what we will do with this. Everything works flash player lkz opera, quickly and conveniently clear, I'm pleased!!!

Extremely lightweight with no significant memory and CPU usage. Allows you to make Flash player the default player for YouTube. Flash flash player lkz opera consumes less resources CPU and RAM therefore it is very suitable if you have a slow machine. Flash player offers more resolution choices comparing to HTML5 Player. I use flash player instead of html5 because unfortunately html5 playback ab uses almost twice the CPU resource. I also listen to music through playlists so I have enabled autoplay in opera's flags page.

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