Excel download header php

I am really starting to get pissed off at the searchengines. For 2 days now been googling tried ask. Forums DaniWeb IT Discussion Community Forums. Home Forums Programming Forum Web Development Forum How to php export to excel. How to php export to excel. Replace testdata in the above example with the database values.

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Can I change the color of contents? Hi, Let me confess, I am ZERO in php. I purchased excel download header php cd which has php files embedded with html page then scrolling pages in php formate withen windows of html. Main data in in php file. How to get this data in office document formate either MS Word or MS Excel? Can some one help me in doing so Excel download header php am fed up.

Sorry i'm not clear with your question. What you mean by ods file? Thanks a lot for yor time to write this code down. Have a nice day. You can try Exls XMlSpreadSheet in exls. Any data in the file? This topic has been dead for over six months. Start a new discussion instead. Have something to contribute to this excel download header php Please be thoughtful, detailed and courteous, and be sure to excel download header php to our posting rules.

Actually it was headers problem. I turned off all the errors and warnings. Now I have another problem. I am exporting time to ods file. After exporting in ods openoffice file, the Time e. I want to show it as it is in my db. Do you know have any idea about that. Edited 5 Years Ago by Ezzaral: Please use them to format any code that you post. Edited 4 Years Ago by isms. Edited 2 Years Ago by daniweb I want to export it in excel but the only problem I am facing is that i can only fetch the data from db but the remaining stuff like conditions on averages total marks I am not able to export excel download header php please reply as soon as possible.

Code is working well in localhost. When I Upload it, it is not exporting to excel,but printing it to a page. R, Thanks for your Reply. I resolved my Error.

Responses on “Excel download header php”

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