Eve fitting tool download

It will not import any implants your character has either. However, you can add implants by clicking the 'Implant' button and browsing the trees available. When you have found the right implant, double-click it to add it to your character's stats. Active implants are displayed by a green check mark.

You can also click the option to save that character selection which will allow you to use the 'Quick import' button to update your character in the future. Keep in mind, this only imports your character's current skill information and does not anticipate any future training.

From here, you will want to familiarize yourself with the display. You can select the character you want eve fitting tool download work with in eve fitting tool download drop down box at the top. Mousing eve fitting tool download the various icons in each section will display specific information. For example, mousing over the question mark in the top left will display the ships information and bonuses.

Once you have finished creating a fitting, you have a couple of options. If you wish to work with the same ship, you can click the arrow down icon next to the 'Current Setup' drop down menu to manage the setups. It also features options to export the setup to various formats. If you are finished working with that ship type, click the X in the top right of the ship window to close it and save your setup. That's all there is to it! EFT when used properly is a very useful tool to create your own ship setups and help you further develop your character in game.

Both your DPS tank and your effective HP ratings will be recalculated based on the damage type you use, by default EFT is using a balanced damage profile which is the reason why the numbers might differ from the numbers shown by the ingame fitting screen, as the ingame fitting screen is using your lowest resists to calculate the effectiveness of your tank. Occasionally you may prefer to test all level X values without having to change everything using the drop-down menus.

Eve fitting tool download here you simply click and drag the drones you wish to fit. To put them online, click the check box. When you have finished loading all the modules you wish to fit to a ship, the display window will indicate if you have the proper skills. The color icon next to your characters name will either be red or green. If it is red, you can mouse over to show which skills you still need to be able to fit the modules.

Once you start adding and saving fits, you will notice that each selection will indicate the number of setups that you have for that ship type. When you have found the ship you want to fit hit 'Ok'. The ship window will open up and if you do not already have any fits for that ship it will ask you to create a new one. Click 'Yes', type in the name you want to save the fit under, and hit 'Ok'.

This page was last modified on 18 Mayat This page has been accessedtimes. Content is available under Creative Commons. Privacy policy About UniWiki Disclaimers. Eve fitting tool download University offers a class on:. Contents 1 Step One: Importing Your Character 2 Step Two: Using the Ship Window 3 Step Three: Fitting Your Ship 4 Other Useful Tips 4.

You can overload or place a module offline by clicking the icon to the left of the module itself. Clicking 'Show Module Info' will pop up a window displaying the various stats and requirements to fit the module. You eve fitting tool download notice that it gives the price for the module itself. As you load a module onto the ship, it will automatically pull the eve fitting tool download price information from the EVE-Central database if you are on an active internet connection.

To use your own skill set, first click the 'Create new character' icon just to the right of the drop down menu. This will open a new window to type in your character's name. After hitting 'Ok', the drop down menu will select and display your newly created character. To import the current skills from your characterclick the 3rd small icon, named "API skill import". On this screen, you will need to input your character's API key which can be obtained here: When you have input the information, click 'Next' which will pop up another window allowing you to select the character information you want to import.

Save the changes and you'll have an 'all level X' character for your theorizing pleasure. This will accept otherwise impossible sets of skills eg you could have weapon upgrades to 3 and advanced weapon upgrades to 3 even though advanced weapon eve fitting tool download has a prerequisite of weapon upgrades 5. This article is deprecated and no longer in use.

Please visit PYFAan alternative fitting tool, for current info. The EFT project has been abandoned by Gripen, its author, eve fitting tool download March Fitting stats on eve fitting tool download variety of modules and ships have been changed since that time, and so EFT can now generate inaccurate fits. Use of EFT is no longer recommended. Retrieved from " eve fitting tool download Personal tools Log in.

Do not download EFT from anywhere else. The first thing you will want to do after starting EFT is import your character information. By default, Eve fitting tool download provides you with a 'All level V' character.

Eve fitting tool download View Eve fitting tool download source History. Navigation Main page Categories Recent changes Random page Help. EVE University Join E-UNI Forum Class Library Attending a Class Calendar Killboard Members Standings News Donate. Toolbox What links here Related changes Special pages Printable version Permanent link.

The icons under 'Defence' and 'Targeting' will also indicate the ability to right-click and alter the displayed information or variables. On the left side of the EFT screen, it will have various categories which can be expanded to find different modules. You may also search for specific types by typing the name in the search window at the top.

If you wish, EFT also offers the ability to compile DPS charts based on ship setups that you have saved. To use this function, you would need to have multiple ship windows open each with a different setup selected. From here, open the 'File' menu and click 'New DPS Graph'. This will pop up a new window. Right click to select the attacking and defending ships. The graph will display your DPS versus the range of the targeted ship.

As EFT is updated, this page will be updated to reflect those changes. Feel eve fitting tool download to add your own useful tips and tricks as needed below. EFT offers the option to import saved ship setups that you may find online or pull from EVEMon. To do so, open the 'File' menu and click 'Import fit from XML In this window, you can specify where your saved XML files are, import them, and also export your current setups into one large file.

Go to your EFT directory, then into the Characters directory. Open up the character file for your new All eve fitting tool download X with Notepad or some other basic text editor programthen use the replace all function to change the eve fitting tool download to your target level.

EVE Fitting Tool, or EFT, is one of the most widely used 3rd party applications by players. It allows you to create and experiment with different ship fittings without the need to be in the game.

Keep in mind that even though you may have the required skills, they may not always be enough to fit the modules effectively. Other things such as the Powergrid or CPU requirements may still hinder you from flying with that fitting. If this is the case, it will show the overage in the top right. To get some suggestions on what skills or other modules can make up for the difference, right click the attribute and select "Show Attribute Info", then "Affected by".

As you fit more and more modules, the ship window will calculate the estimated total cost for that fitting in the bottom right. Keep in mind that not all modules have price data loaded on the EVE-Central site and it may not be completely accurate depending on the region you are in.

One other useful thing to know is that you can modify your character's skill levels manually. This is very helpful if you want to compare ship stats with your current skill level versus any anticipated training. Just remember that you can use the 'Quick import' button to 'reset' your skills back to their original state should you forget which skills you modified. This will open the selection window where you can browse all the different ships available. Clicking a ship will show its stats and bonuses to the right.

In certain categories you can show faction or other specific modules by clicking the buttons at the bottom eve fitting tool download the window. To load a module, click and drag the module into the appropriate slot on the ship window. When a module is loaded you will notice that it will change various stats on the right side of the ship window.

By adding your character information, it can eve fitting tool download you know if you meet the requirements for the fitting or what skills you lack for the proper fit. The step-by-step visual guide below is aimed at providing you with a good understanding of how to use the program and interpret the information it displays. To download EFT you should follow the eve fitting tool download in the opening post of this thread on the official EVE online forums.

Some eve fitting tool download have the ability to carry drones. If you wish to add those to the fitting, click the 'Drones' button at the bottom right of the ship window.

When you have a fit open in EFT, click the drop-down menu to the right of the name of your fit, and select Export to XML. The default EVE file path for fittings under Windows is " The Fitting Management window has an Import button, and the rest should be obvious.

You can also adjust the velocity at which the ships are traveling and clicking on the line will show the transversal velocity of the two combating ships. Below you will find a list of damage profiles for various NPC factions and several popular ammunition types.

There's an Export button in the game's Fitting Management window, which guess what exports all your fits in a single XML file. Fits can be imported from text format via the clipboard.

Copy the fit for example from the wiki or a forum post to the clipboard by marking and pressing CTRL-C. Click on the EFT window to give the focus to EFT. A dialog will appear, asking if the fit should be imported to EFT.

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