Erin andrews peephole video download

As an illegally-obtained video of sports reporter Erin Andrews is being passed around the web, security firm Sophos has renewed warnings that scammers are posting fake clips in order to propagate malware. It adds that link sharing on Twitter and blogs is only worsening the situation. A video posted by Sophos earlier this week below warns of a fake CNN. On Thursday, Sophos security expert Graham Cluley renewed his warningsand implored erin andrews peephole video download users to stop sharing these links with friends.

Hackers have created webpages claiming to contain the controversial footage that Erin Andrews' legal team are trying to have wiped off the net. The cybercriminals are not doing this because they want to share the unauthorised footage, however. Their erin andrews peephole video download is to infect your computer with Mac or Windows malware One of the peculiar aspects of the Erin Andrews Peephole Video attack is As Sophos mentions, the usual refrain of "get a Mac" to avoid malware doesn't apply here: We're using cookies to improve your experience.

Click Here to find out more. Mashable Mashable Asia Mashable Australia Mashable France Mashable Erin andrews peephole video download Mashable UK. Entertainment Like Follow Follow. By Pete Cashmore About Us Jobs Advertise Subscribe Privacy Terms Mashable is a global, multi-platform media and entertainment company. Powered by its own proprietary technology, Mashable is the go-to source for tech, digital culture and entertainment content for its dedicated and influential audience around the globe.

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