Easy djvu reader iphone

To top of page The Outline Menu If the opened document contains an Outline, the outline is loaded and the icon turns blue. On first opening the outline, the icon turns black again, but the outline will still be available. You can edit the outline or create a new one. Just go tho the page easy djvu reader iphone want reference.

Though many sites that provides books for reading as for example http: To top easy djvu reader iphone page Troubleshooting If the application cannot start and crashes on launching, you can easy djvu reader iphone the encriminated document to be open at startup. Go to the Preferences application easy djvu reader iphone select easy djvu reader iphone "DjVu Reader" item.

Be informed when this page is modified RSS Flux last updated: Content Capabilities The Interface Appearence Browsing a document Searching for a document The Documents menu The Outline Menu The Bookmarks Menu In Document Search Menu EPUB Support Creating DjVu documents Uploading DjVu documents Downloading Books with Safari Files transfer with FTP Using DropBox Troubleshooting Wishlist Bugs and Comments Changelogs Capabilities DjVu Reader easy djvu reader iphone a simple application for iPad that allows to display mainly DjVu documents.

You can download many files at a time be aware though that it can take a bit of time to download large files depending on your connection quality. Creating DjVu documents If you have a PDF document and have the djvulibre library installed with all its tools, you may have a working djvu conversion tool available for free. There is a script named "djvudigital" that can be used to convert PDF files to DjVu format. It uses a Ghostscript driver gsdjvu. You can then open a terminal window, go to your document folder and enter something like djvudigital filename.

To open a document select one from the FOLDER VIEW on the left pane and it will open to fit the screen. PDF and DJVU documents will open in their dedicated browser.

Later revision will allow to search for strings. That feature is not yet available for PDF documents. To top of page EPUB Support EPUB documents are now supported by DjVu Reader. They can be read directly by selecting a document, though the prefered method is to put all your EPUB document in the same temporary folder say easy djvu reader iphone and THEN rename easy djvu reader iphone "ePub" case is not important.

When you click the "ePub" folder you enter directly into the EPUB mode. Where a friendly interface allow you to browse through your library. If you make any change to an epub document while in the library, that change will be stored back into the original file. So if you move that file easy djvu reader iphone another app, the changes will appear in the new app easy djvu reader iphone. That allow to correct badly formatted author informations or title, add language informations and so on.

You will find an epub browser then. On the bottom of which there is a REFRESH button to refresh the list and an UPDATE LIBRARY button, to load the last books you have downloaded. When you read a book, its position is memorized. You may edit the metadata of the EPUB documents. If you want them to be stored for downloading from the iPad, you have to save the books first, so that the new metadata is stored into the epub file. Other documents type are loaded with a web browser.

When you select the WEB button, it will load this help file. To top of page Browsing a document To turn pages you may also just tap once anywhere on the left part of the display to go one page back, or tap once anywhere on the right part of the display to go one page further. To browse through a document you can use the navigation icons on the lower toolbar or select a page with the goToPage button which are from left to right: Clearly, if the reverse reading page order is active,the buttons work in the other direction.

Once this is done you will benefit from a complete environment that deals with your EPUB library, where you can modify the author, title fields and save them back to the original epub files.

By default, you need to advance in a document as you would read a book written in occidental language from left to right. Easy djvu reader iphone you are used to read it in the reverse order, you can change it ba activating the corresponding slider in the preferences, or by pressing the button.

The upper folder name is written in the left button of the navigation bar. Clicking on that button changes the current directory to the upper one. The tools are, in order, cut, copy, paste, new folder, rename, delete, refresh content. When selecting New Folder, or Rename, a dialog appears in which you can type in the new name. In the New folder dialog, the name of the current folder in which the new folder will be created is written above the input easy djvu reader iphone. In the Rename Dialog, the current name of the file is written above the input line, and also into the input line to ease the modification of a current name.

Select and open the file you want to copy the outline from. Scroll down the outline, select Edit and then copy. Open the destination file. The previous outline is still in memory and the outline of the current file is not loaded. Now select the outline menu and push the save button.

In that case, a blank page will be displayed. If the page of a document is not oriented correctly, you can turn the page 90 degrees at a time by easy djvu reader iphone the image with two fingers in the direction you want to make the rotation by more than 10 degrees. If you change your mind or if your intention was to zoom instead of rotating the image, just make the rotation less than 10 degrees and no rotation will be made. You can get some informations on the current page by pressing button.

You can then pinch and zoom in or out to suite your prefered view. You can also scroll it to display the part of the page that interest you most. Keep in mind though that the more you zoom in, the more memory is required.

If the format of the page changes, it is possible the the new page will be deformed. The last document opened will be opened at the last read page when the application will restart. Once a document is opened, DjVu Reader will remember the last position and resume the easy djvu reader iphone form there the next time it is opened.

In a DjVu document, each displayed page is a true image that needs to be computed before to be displayed. This process can easy djvu reader iphone some seconds to complete. It easy djvu reader iphone a normal process when reading DjVu documents. Some documents are made with larger images than others. So various documents may take different amounts of time to be displayed.

The best method to create the "ePub" is still using the FTP server of DjVu Reader. From an FTP client on your desktop you can create an "ePub" folder and copy there all your EPUB files. Once in the "ePub" folder, you don't see anymore your EPUB files unless you change the name of the folder to omething else that EPUB.

That will save the current outline the one from the previous file into the current file the old outline will be completely replaced. To top of page The Bookmarks Menu You can store bookmarks for PDF and DjVu documents. Bookmarks are not stored into the document. They will be available, though, into DjVu Reader.

DjVu documents have generally large page size, but even with a low zoom factor, documents can pretty well be parsed in all comfort. Pages are decoded one at a time to prevent memory issues. Page size may vary in one document, DjVu Reader will try to display the new page with the same size than the easy djvu reader iphone one.

Tapping once on the statusbar or pulling the documents table down will reveal the search toolbar. Just insert a string for the document filename you are looking for and hit Search. All files containing that string in their filename will show in the table. Only files in the directory structure under the current directory will be looked at.

You can block the current position to allow only easy djvu reader iphone scrolling in the document by pressing toggle.

Select the Reset switch. Next time you start the application, no document will easy djvu reader iphone opened and a fresh session will start. If memory is low, it may happen that even if the outline is present it will not show up and a blank outline is shown. The situation will be corrected when enough memory will be available again. DjVu documents are image based. Displaying images on the iPad can be very resource consuming. Apple suggest not to display images that are easy djvu reader iphone large compared to the iPad display size.

Files transfer with FTP Provided you are in a WiFi environment, the prefered way to upload document to your iPad is to use the integrated FTP File transfer protocol server which is very efficient and maintain the directory folder structure you may have on your desktop computer.

Easy djvu reader iphone extreme zoom you can easily make the easy djvu reader iphone crash and even the springboard may crash. So avoid to zoom in too deeply.

It is now possible to load a document into DjVu Reader from another app, using the Document Sharing possibility provided by the Apple API. For example you can load a document in Safari, or receive one in mail, and taping on its icon, you will open the document into DjVu Reader. The document will be placed into a folder named "Inbox" in the main Documents folder. To top of page Downloading Books with Safari Many books can be found on the internet.

You can copy, paste that text from DjVu Reader to any other app, define words as in any other application manipulating texts. Undo and Redo are implemented. Clicking will Undo last turning page or loading file, and clicking will Redo the steps. To top of page Searching for a document You can search for a document in your directory structure. The search toolbar is normally hidden at the top of the document table.

Some are displayed quite instantaneously some can take up to 3 seconds to display and even more.

CHM document will open in its dedicated browser. CHM document comes in a variety of formatting, not all being well packaged. In well packaged CHM easy djvu reader iphone, a table of content is often available. Position is memorized in well packaged CHM documents. To paginate through CHM documents you can use the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons. If strange looking characters are displayed, try to change the encoding for example to UTF The left and right arrows will bring you to the last previous position displayed or forward.

It will open a popover table view, with a search controller. Type in the word you are looking for. All pages with occurences of that word will show in the table, with the number of occurences on the page. That feature depends highly on the quality of the OCR layer stored in the document. Also the easy djvu reader iphone of the position of the easy djvu reader iphone on the page is also given by the document itself. So if some occurences are not found or if the colored boxe showing the occurences are misplaced, that is because it is not stored correctly easy djvu reader iphone the document.

Press again to release the vertical scroll mode. You can adjust the page to fit its width to the width of the screen or to fit its height to the height of the screen or to fit its height to the height of the screen in full screen mode with the easy djvu reader iphone. It works as a toggle that fit the screen in "width", "height", "fullscreen height" alternatively.

To do so, start the FTP server using the "FTP" button. The address and port of the iPad FTP server is displayed. To top of page Using DropBox You can use your DropBox account to store, download or upload your files from DjVu Reader.

You can create easy djvu reader iphone for PDF documents that do not have outline informations, for example. Or you can simply use the bookmark feature to record Just give the bookmark a name that is representative enough.

Bookmarks are stored as soon as they are created or modified. To top of page In Document Search Menu You can search for words in DjVu documents. Open a DjVu document and press the looking glass button.

Click the Edit button and select the add button plus. That will create a new item that contains the new reference with the page number displayed. An edit dialog will show in which you can change the name of the reference. Do not leave the item with an empty name, that will give a corrupt outline and may crash the application. You can copy a complete outline from one file to another.

You can turn pages with a swipe with one or two fingers to the right or to the left. This is possible easy djvu reader iphone time the scroll mode is inactive. For example when you activate the "vertical scrolling mode" or if the displayed page is not larger than the screen display. If the document contains an OCR optical character recognition layer, it will be available by pressing the button. The swipe to turn page is also available in this mode. The OCR text is displayed as it is stored into the document, no formatting is made on the text.

Hitting the Cancel button will display the current folder content easy djvu reader iphone. You can delete the files directly from the Search Result displayed. If Many strings are looked for, only files which filename contains all those strings are displayed. To top of page The Documents Menu In the Documents Menu you can see all your files. You can manage the directory structure through the Documents Menu. The name of the current folder is written in large characters at the center of the navigation bar of the document menu.

Click the DB easy djvu reader iphone in the documents menu to link to your account. Once linked you can interact with it as if it was a local folder, with the exception that you cannot read a file directly from your DropBox account.

If you want to go easy djvu reader iphone in a given region of the document you can slide the progress slide up to the point of interest. A small window will open to show the page number of the actual position of the slider. When you leave the slider, the page will change to the location selected. On browsing through the document, the new page will be placed on the screen at the same place of the previous one. Some document have blank pages. The page numbering continues, but no page is present.

HOME button will bring you to the first page displayed. On the first launch, an EPub folder is created in the root folder. You can put all your EPUB documents in there. To see the full list of your epub library, select the OPEN EPUB LIBRARY button.

It is aimed at being practical and at browsing easily through the documents. Access to OCR layer with selectable text Dictionary available in all text easy djvu reader iphone with simple selection of expression tap left to advance and right to go back or reverse to mimick oriental reading mode swipe left or right to browse in continous scrolling. The interface Appearence On the first launch you are in the FOLDER VIEW.

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