Dropbox download rate slow

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Dropbox is slow and only uploads at fraction of download speed. Ian Oakes 1 2 Dropbox is also a desktop client, the Web App doesn't necessarily have anything to do with this. Can you visit dropbox download rate slow. Burdell Jan 15 '12 at 9: Dropbox is extremely fast for me. I just synced about 2GB worth of files, took maybe an hour I considered that fast at any rate It's my experience also, so I moved to Wuala. Wuala has since been discontinued.

I don't think it's a problem with Dropbox but your Internet connection. But if your upload speed is slow there is not much that Dropbox can do about it. Gani Simsek 2, 14 I'm not sure either of us can assert how common the experience is, based purely on our own, though.

I've started using Dropbox but I'm finding that my upload speeds are dropping down to the withering pace of 6Kb per second. I have checked my upload speed with speedtest. Is this due to preferences or settings on my install or would this be something out of my control and related to location or ISP? By default, Dropbox doesn't limit download speed, but limits upload speed to whatever they think is sufficient.

From my experience Dropbox seems to slow down the speed when you have a lot of files to download f. If the number of files to download are f. So it seems like Dropbox download rate slow is saying "oh dropbox download rate slow have to download a lot, let's bring down your speed otherwise our server will be tired Usually the upload speed of your connection is slower than your download speed, using a site like SpeedTest.

Dropbox download rate slow you for your interest in this question. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?

Super User works best with Dropbox download rate slow enabled. I regularly see speeds this poor. MathOverflow Mathematics Cross Validated stats Theoretical Computer Science Physics Chemistry Biology Computer Science Philosophy more Meta Stack Exchange Stack Apps Area 51 Stack Overflow Talent.

It would make sense also to take speed tests at different times for comparison and to know if your ISP is overselling the channel and is not delivering the same speed all the time. Please see Why is my internet so slow? As for your question, it's not a common experience. I just tested a 5 mb file and it uploaded just fine, i. You can also dropbox download rate slow status of Dropbox to see if there's any current problems with dropbox download rate slow, locations, app etc.

Responses on “Dropbox download rate slow”

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