Dropbox download invalid zip

But it is difficult when you have several thousand files, maybe you can try 7-zip. I had the same issue - created a. Following his hint, I noticed that I have a bunch of folders with a bullet in the name option-8 on the Mac keyboard. Removed all those folders, re-zipped and presto - the. So, apparently, using characters that are illegal in Windows in the filenames contained in the zip-file will cause Windows to report the " the compressed zipped file XYZXYZ is invalid " error with opening the.

I have downloaded dropbox download invalid zip lot of zips in my life and only occasionally have corrupt files, but not as often as in this instance.

I am linking directly to the file so I assume Drupal doesn't get involved in that although it can if you change to private download method. In this case, the users are non-technical and wouldn't cope with checking checksums. I have re-created the zip dropbox download invalid zip Windows rather than 3rd party software to see if that makes a difference. Thanks for your help. The host isn't providing any help other than saying that they can download the file OK at their end so while I don't think I know exactly why this has been happening so frequently I am going to mark this as the answer as it will probably apply in most cases.

Otherwise, dropbox download invalid zip is possible. Ramhound, that's more the question really than the answer. Why should it be so inconsistent assuming the original file is OK?

I am running Windows XP. I was getting that same message and was unable to open a zip file until I downloaded winzip off the internet. Then, from inside winzip, I was able to easily open the file and drag and drop it onto my desktop. This usually occurs when one of the file names in your folders has a special character, such as quotation marks ". You have to ignore those files.

There are plenty of utilities out there for Windows, Linux and Mac that will generate MD5 and SHA-1 hashes. I use Cygwin because it's free.

That is probably the most helpful and complete answer, thanks. I will look into what you say and most likely come back and mark this as the answer. In the meantime, why do you think it would be so inconsistent given different users on different connections and software set-ups? Assuming dropbox download invalid zip original file is OK which it must be if it sometimes opens I don't see why I should particularly be having this problem as often as I do with this file.

Also, could it be the Dropbox download invalid zip script serving the download getting timed out since you mentioned Drupal? If not, you might ask your host to check for any connection problems on their end, mentioning this problem. I haven't tested with others but will try. It makes sense that larger files can have more dropbox download invalid zip drop issues.

The download could be truncated due to the connection being dropped, which is something random - it might happen and dropbox download invalid zip not happen. If your connection quality is better, it'll probably be less likely to occur. Provide checksums for all your downloads, and get your users to verify them.

Several users have complained of a "corrupt zip folder" after downloading the file directly from the website albeit the site is built on Drupal but it dropbox download invalid zip using the public download method so it should be a direct download.

DavidSchwartz, that sounds promising. Can you clarify how one would go about checking that clients are getting a Content-Length header? DavidSchwartz I used Fiddler to check the response headers and the Content-Length header is sent with value dropbox download invalid zip is the size of the file so it looks like all is well there.

When I download via FTP using Filezilla I can open the zip file without errors. What causes the above error messages? Why does it happen some of the time and not all of the time? What could I do to ensure zip files open without any errors in future?

Particularly, what could I dropbox download invalid zip my host in order to point them in the right direction to a possible solution to the problem? What might be going wrong at their end? Is it only with a particular zipfile? Have you tested with zipfiles or other files of smaller or larger sizes? It could be large size providing more time for a connection drop, which is why you only see this problem with this file.

Publishing an MD5 or Dropbox download invalid zip hash is a very common thing to do in the software development world since it's a very good way to ensure that you're files aren't corrupted.

The hash for a file containing "" is f52bbaeb42dc0a97b4c1. The hash for a file containing "" is b0b7fabe83e7feac13d3dd. If I remember my ASCII right, there's only a single bit difference between the two strings but as you can see there's a huge difference in the resulting hashes.

I created the zip file using IZArc but I am not so sure the method of creation is relevant in this case as it sometimes works. The download is probably corrupted or truncated incomplete. Check if dropbox download invalid zip downloaded filesize is same as the size on the server.

The answer to all dropbox download invalid zip questions is that the file is corrupt. Do they get this error when using actual software design to extract a. Check to make sure that either clients are getting a Content-Length header when they download dropbox download invalid zip file or the transfer encoding is chunked.

If dropbox download invalid zip on client side have correct size, this situation might be caused by faulty memory on client PC or faulty network equipment in between. Often random bit-switching is not dropbox download invalid zip apparent in many applications, but when it comes to checksums that are used to check archive integrity, every bit matter and those errors become obvious.

You can't really avoid network issues, however. You may wish to dropbox download invalid zip to your host. One thing you can do to troubleshoot what's going on is to use MD5 or SHA-1 hashes of that zip file. I assume you have the original zip available to you offline. Using Cygwinyou can compute a SHA-1 or Dropbox download invalid zip hash of your zip file then publish the result. Hashes are really cool because they can be used to verify to the bit level that one file is exactly the same as another.

I understand that probably mean to suggest to avoid the use of such kind of names. Ah, user is onto something. Demis 1 5. Sign up or log in StackExchange. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Super User works best with JavaScript enabled. MathOverflow Mathematics Cross Validated stats Theoretical Computer Science Physics Chemistry Biology Computer Science Philosophy more Meta Stack Exchange Stack Apps Area 51 Stack Overflow Talent.

By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Sign up or log in to customize your list. Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges. Questions Dropbox download invalid zip Users Badges Unanswered. Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Several users have complained of a "corrupt zip folder" after downloading the file directly from the website albeit the site is built on Drupal but it is using the public download method so it should be a direct download The error message when they try to open it in Windows is: The compressed zip folder is invalid or corrupted I have tried this myself on Windows XP and using both Firefox 14 and IE8.

Green 3 9. This makes sense in many situations. I am dealing with very non-technical users, though, who would not cope with hash checking, but that's good advice generally. Volkov 3 Paul 4, 19 If you ignore some file you will miss some content.

I have tried this myself on Windows XP and dropbox download invalid zip both Firefox 14 and IE8. Sometimes it downloads and opens correctly, sometimes I get the error. Another user is on Windows 7 and using Internet Explorer and has got this message after several download attempts. As FTP and HTTP dropbox download invalid zip works at times, then I assume the file on the server is not corrupted but something happens during download and re-uploading the file would not fix anything and I have tried this.

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