Driver san francisco xbox 360 1

I've enjoyed every game in the Driver series previous to this one, and would have loved to give this a higher rating. Unfortunately, this is a flawed gem.

See all 63 Critic Reviews. See all 31 User Reviews. A - Z Index. War for the Planet of the Apes. New Releases Coming Soon High Scores Browse A-Z Publications Publishers Driver san francisco xbox 360. Sep 6, Also On: PCPlayStation 3.

The damage modelling looks nice, but it was really disappointing that cars only take damage by hitting other cars - even hitting a car so hard it rolls multiple times will still only result in damage from the original impact, which could be really frustrating sometimes. I found the difficulty of the game just right, and though the AI is pretty inconsitant, everything ultimately felt dependent on your own driving. There's a huge selection of cars to experiment with, and I particularly like the inclusion of busses and tankers.

When we first heard of the Shifting mechanic we thought this would be a total disaster. We couldn't be more mistaken: San Francisco would be an easy game to recommend if the mission design of the single player campaign were on a par with the quality of its technical driver san francisco xbox 360. As things stands though, it seems that some good gameplay ideas have been wasted on level designers that simply didn't know how to make best use of them.

Tearing through driver san francisco xbox 360 streets of San Francisco, forcing your car into manoeuvres that it probably shouldn't be able to do with the knowledge that you can hit X and take control of another car at any time is just as fun as it sounds. Simply put, it's consistently fun, never taking itself too seriously, and instead focusing on how enjoyable the act of driving can be when you throw in a supernatural curveball.

The whole story behind this is ridiculous but at the same time entertaining. I found myself enjoying this game from start driver san francisco xbox 360 finish.

I don't claim to be an expert on if the physics are realistic according to the models of car or not, but I driver san francisco xbox 360 know for a game like this, where driving plays a central role in the mechanics of the game, the physics diminish the fun factor of the game. Some missions I had to repeat several times due to poor AI give me a chance to avoid crashing into some of the cars in the world!

I enjoyed the many varied activites and dares, and they gave me extra incentive to keep playing when I got bored of driver san francisco xbox 360 storyline. Eventually though, even those became tiring and repetitive, and I found myself unable to play for more than an hour or so at a time without getting bored.

Featured Movies 83 Jul 14 War for the Planet of the Apes 73 Jul 7 Spider-Man: Homecoming 86 Jun 28 Baby Driver 87 Jun 23 The Big Sick See All Movies.

Well-voiced, hilariously-scripted and so over-the-top in its execution that the lack of vehicle customization a la NFS and MC3 are easily Well-voiced, hilariously-scripted and so over-the-top in its execution that the lack of vehicle customization a la NFS and MC3 are easily over-looked. If nothing else, buy this game for a fun and entertainingly humorous driving challenge. Amazing and a sleeper hit it driver san francisco xbox 360. I actually Amazing and a sleeper hit it is.

San Francisco was a surprisingly decent and original revival of the series, and definitely worth checking out. I wanted to like Driver San Francisco, I really did. The plot was interesting, and the graphics and visuals were great. Unfortunately, the I wanted to like Driver San Francisco, I really did. Unfortunately, the game suffers from 2 flaws which really diminish the experience. The first is that the driving physics are not enjoyable.

The game is all about driving, just like the first game and that's exactly how it should be. You can no longer get out of your vehicle and run around on foot, and considering driver san francisco xbox 360 that was always the worst part of the previous games, this is a good thing. Instead you can just zoom the camera out to a birds eye view of the city and select a new vehicle to shift into.

Log in to finish rating Driver: Developed by Ubisoft Reflections under the direction of the creators of the original title, DRIVER San Francisco marks the return of the established video game series that has sold 14 million copies worldwide. Gamers will play as Detective John Tanner on a relentless manhunt for crime lord Developed by Ubisoft Reflections under the direction of the creators of the original title, DRIVER San Francisco marks the return of the established video game series that has sold 14 million copies worldwide.

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Generally favorable reviews - based on 63 Driver san francisco xbox 360 What's this? Generally favorable reviews - based on Ratings. No user score yet - Be the first to review!

With its timeless setting, unique car handling and renewed playability, DRIVER San Francisco will revitalize the classic free-roaming, cinematic car chase experience for the current generation of gaming platforms.

PS4 Xbox One PC Switch Wii U 3DS PS Vita iOS Legacy.

The shift feature is a totally new idea and it work's flawless in this game. Some,of course,will knock it. I love it and the game is finally screaming with quality from head to toe. All those hours we wasted on Driv3r trying to find the part were it sucks you in but never did. Well driver san francisco xbox 360 go out and get this game cause it renders all other Driver games obsolete. Game play,graphics,fun factor,replay value,sound,story it is all spot on and great in every way.

The voice acting is great but the dialogue is pretty cringeworthy at times. The SHIFT mechanic turned out to be an excellent innovation, and it was a real joy to fly around the city from car to car. It works well in the missions too, often giving you multiple choices on how to complete them - for example, in a police chase you can knock out the fleeing suspect yourself or shift into oncoming traffic to take them down.

I would have enjoyed at least the illusion of an open world game - as each chapter in the story unfolds, you are given what looks like options to continue forward - but rest assured, you will have to complete each "suggested" mission before you can progress to the next level. In some cases, the missions are part of the story arc - and that makes sense - but often they are simply random people you never see again, or the mission has nothing to do with the overall plot of the game.

Driver San Francisco is the sequel to the original I have waiting for. For the first time since Driver I enjoy simply driving around Driver San Francisco is the sequel to the original I have waiting for. For the first time since Driver I enjoy simply driving driver san francisco xbox 360 endlessly. The story is cool and weird, the online is great, and the music is really well matched, but all of this pales in comparison to how well the cars in this game feel.

All the cars handle beautifully, and though a lot of them felt to be near-identical, gradually unlocking more powerful cars and upgrades was rewarding.

Ubisoft Reflections Genre s: DrivingRacingMission-basedArcadeMission-basedAutomobile Cheats: Please enter your birth date to watch this video:. January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Enter. San Francisco is without a doubt, one of the most entertaining, innovative, and challenging racing games you can play on your driver san francisco xbox 360 or PC.

San Francisco really surprised me - upon hearing about the revival of the seemingly dead series I was somewhat uninterested, Driver: San Francisco really surprised me - upon hearing about the revival of the seemingly dead series I was somewhat uninterested, especially after finding out about the gimmicky-sounding SHIFT mechanic. When I actually got around to playing it, however, I was pleasantly surprised. Though the plot is pretty ridiculous and near-impossible to take seriously, it's still great to see a racing game that so strongly incorporates a narrative.

Most vehicles in the game fishtailed way, way too easily and handled very poorly. Understandable on semi truck or vw bus, not so much on a sports car. The second flaw is the the stovepipe way the storyline progresses.

It was obvious the series was going down hill so I never played driver san francisco xbox 360 of the games after that. Driver San Francisco is a definite return to form though.

Gamers will play as Detective John Tanner on a relentless manhunt for crime lord Charles Jericho through the hills of the City by the Bay. Thanks to a groundbreaking gameplay feature, players can now seamlessly "shift" between well over a hundred licensed vehicles, keeping them constantly in the heart of the action.

Best racing game in a long time. I really love the physic drift a lot: I have Best racing game in a long time. I have played it very long now and am still enjoying it a lot. I driver san francisco xbox 360 recommend this game.

All this publication's reviews Driver san francisco xbox 360 full review. Action-paced racing in an intense thriller setting — highly recommended. All in All, Driver: San Francisco is a driver san francisco xbox 360 rebirth for the series. Undoubtedly the most complete, polished offering in the series to date.

The handling and modeling are things of beauty and alone make this game the greatest open world driver for the If only there was a second city, one the best parts of the original was the different surroundings you unlocked. I was a fan of the original Driver and it's sequel Driver 2. I also managed to look past all the flaws of the 3rd game, and enjoyed that one I was a fan of the original Driver and it's sequel Driver 2. I also managed to look past all the flaws of the 3rd game, and enjoyed that one as well.

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