Driver san francisco how to drift

What does the Drift attribute represent exactly? Does high Drift mean the car sticks driver san francisco how to drift the road less, allowing easier drifting? Does high Drift mean the car, on the contrary, sticks to the road? Assuming high Drift means no adherence Experience seems to prove otherwise: Could it be strictly related to dirt roads? I've noticed cars with high Drift are sometimes also "rally" type cars. Turtleweezard 5 A very subtle different, but put like this it definitely makes sense and fits what I have experienced!

I have been trying to get a feel for what high or low Drift might mean for controls. The drift attribute seems to refer to how well a car will keep drifting once it starts drifting. A starter car has low traction, but that doesn't mean you can drift for hundreds of feet in it - you'll either lose control completely or regain traction quickly. A drifty car, on the other hand, should start drifting as soon as you tap the handbrake and keep drifting through the whole turn, while still being controllable.

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I was waiting for potential alternate answers, just in case, before making my decision, sorry: Since no one can top this for good reasonthere you go! Sign up or log in StackExchange. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password.

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